Biosecurity Resources for Beef Cattle Farms
Experts at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois recently launched an interactive website to share biosecurity information with beef cattle producers and veterinarians. The website has resources for those who are keen to learn about beef cattle biosecurity. It is a “one-stop-shop” for biosecurity-related information and resources to equip cattle farmers to protect their farms against infectious diseases. The website offers several modules explaining different concepts related to beef cattle health and biosecurity that can be adapted for different cattle farms. A fun “Test Your Knowledge” quiz, downloadable illustrative infographics, and signage to train and educate farm personnel are also provided. All infographics and signages can also be printed and displayed on farms to educate and caution visitors about on-farm biosecurity.
Dr. Varga, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, who led the development of the website, has made these three infographic charts available for all ISVMA members for use in their clinics or herd operations. You can find the Biosecurity Recommendations for Beef Cattle Farms, Biosecurity Protocol for Entering a Cattle Farm, and Bovine Disease Reporting in Illinois