Medical and Scientific Resources
The National Agricultural Library site. This database includes information from all over the world about journals, reports, extension publications, proceedings and books about agriculture and allied sciences which are received by the National Agricultural Library.
American College of Veterinary Nutrition
Details information about Famllial Shar Pei Fever and other types of Amyloidosis. This site explains how Amyloids are made and why an abnormal deposit makes an animal sick.
Virtual Anesthesia Textbook- Veterinary Chapter
Consultant is sponsored by the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Consultant is a veterinary diagnostic support system.
The Web site makes available a database containing all OTC and prescription drugs and is searchable by compound, trade name, or species.
Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Center
Food Safety Research Information
The site provides detailed information on food safety research projects, spending, and accomplishments by federal agencies, along with links to other important food safety research information. This Web site was created by the Food Safety Research Information Office at the USDA’s National Agricultural Library, with information from related government food safety agencies.
Material Safety Data Sheets – Animal Health Products
Downloadable material safety data sheets for over 10,000 animal health products.
National Pesticide Information Center
Information on pesticide products, ingredients, recognition of pesticide poisioning, emergency treatment and general safety information. These materials are provided cooperatively by Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
NetVet Veterinary Resources and the Electronic Zoo.
ProMed Mail -International Society for Infectious Diseases
A moderated site for monitoring information on emerging infectious diseases including, West Nile Virus, Anthrax, and Foot And Mouth Disease
Describes Hyperthyroidism in cats. This site features a section for veterinarians, as well as information for clients about medical and surgical treatments, a list of hospital locations and phone numbers, and post-therapy care.
Recommendations for the Safe Handling of Cytotoxic Drugs
Step-by-step guide designed primarily for the human medical field, applicable to the veterinary environment.
Vet Cancer Registry
This is an oncological databse created by Dr. H. Steven Steinberg. This service has over 8,000 cancer cases, including contributions form 7 universities as well as several private sites. This site can be searched by breed, cancer type or the animal’s weight. Only veterinarians can fill out data sheets and send them in to Steinberg to contribute to the registry.
Veterinary Heart Institute
Veterinary cardiology consultation and resources. General public information on heart diseases and conditions.
Lists genetic detection services and describes current genetic research. Clients can read about equine and cattle breeding strategies, how veterinarians test for Von Willebrand’s Disease, and how DNA is profiled and stored.