Benefits of Membership

Doctors of Veterinary Medicine in Illinois rely upon the ISVMA to provide them with a unified voice and to help them advance their profession. ISVMA members all benefit from the programs and services offered by their association:
Legislative & Regulatory Advocacy: This is the service that makes ISVMA different from every other association that a veterinarian practicing in Illinois may join. Only the ISVMA represents the veterinary profession every day in the Illinois General Assembly and with the agencies that regulate the profession. ISVMA has its finger on the pulse of every legislative maneuver that could affect the veterinary profession in Illinois. The ISVMA is the only organization that constantly monitors the status of Illinois veterinary licenses and continually monitors, reviews and amends the Illinois Veterinary Medical and Surgery Practice Act and its regulations to keep veterinarians secure in the knowledge that their license to practice is protected.
Continuing Education: ISVMA offers forums for exchange of current scientific information and practical experience presented by nationally known speakers. Also available, at the Annual Conference, is an opportunity to visit many comprehensive exhibits of new and proven veterinary medical materials, instruments, services and equipment.
Legal Assistance: ISVMA retains legal counsel that provides free initial legal consultation to ISVMA members on issues that may impact the profession. We also maintain a substantial collection of legal opinions and issue white-papers that provide guidance on many common legal issues.
Research & Information: The ISVMA is an essential resource for questions and concerns regarding all aspects of the veterinary profession.
Important Data: The ISVMA has been designated a recorder of veterinary continuing education credit in Illinois by the Department of Professional Regulation and we validate member approved hours to the Department during an audit if requested.
Sponsored Benefit Programs: ISVMA sponsors a number of benefit programs designed to help veterinary practices operate more efficiently and increase profits! Programs offered include discount merchant services (credit card processing), debt collection, and check recovery.
Publications: The EPITOME is a 28-page newsletter full of important and interesting commentaries and information; some of which may impact a veterinarian’s license or area of practice. Continuing education and employment opportunities are available in every issue. The E-SOURCE is an on-line newsletter that can be e-mailed to members to update them on the most current news and information affecting the profession.