Client Education
American Animal Hospital Association Healthy Pet Site
AAHA’s pet owner Web site.
American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP)
Web site of the national veterinary equine practitioners organization
American Dairy Goat Association
American Heartworm Society
Contains comprehensive information about heartworm disease in dogs and cats.
American Quarter Horse Association
Details information about Famllial Shar Pei Fever and other types of Amyloidosis. This site explains how Amyloids are made and why an abnormal deposit makes an animal sick.
Deaf Dog Education Action Fund
Disaster Preparation Information -American Veterinary Medical Foundation
Information for pet owners and veterinarians alike.
Health Certificate Requirements
National Animal Poison Control Center
National Library of Medicine
Consumer health information, medical databases, and free medline access.
NetVet Veterinary Resources and the Electronic Zoo.
Pet Dental Care Information
Information on dental care for your pet. February is National Pet Dental Month.
Pets with Disabilities
Pets with Disabilities is: a support group for people facing the everyday challenges of taking care of a beloved pet who faces physical limitations; a network for people who have a pet who has become disabled during the normal course of life, there are many options if you have the love and patience; designed to help shelters place disabled pets into homes and provide support to those families who have made this unselfish decision; a fundraiser for people and pets with special needs.
Describes Hyperthyroidism in cats. This site features a section for veterinarians, as well as information for clients about medical and surgical treatments, a list of hospital locations and phone numbers, and post-therapy care.
University of Illinois Veterinary School Pet Columns
Vet Cancer Registry
This is an oncological databse created by Dr. H. Steven Steinberg. This service has over 5,000 cancer cases, including contributions form 7 universities as well as several private sites. This site can be searched by breed, cancer type or the animal’s weight. Only veterinarians can fill out data sheets and send them in to Steinberg to contribute to the registry.
Veterinarians – Occupational Outlook Handbook
Information on Veterinarians from the Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics. Overview of information on the veterinary profession in terms of: nature of the work; working conditions; employment; training; other qualifications and advancements; job outlook; earning; related occupations;and, sources of additional information.
Veterinary Heart Institute
Veterinary cardiology consultation and resources. General public information on heart diseases and conditions.
C.A.R.E. Pet Loss Helpline
The Companion Animal Related Emotions Pet Loss Helpline is a confidential telephone service offered through the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine