Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association | 1121 Chatham Road Springfield, IL 62704

Committees & Task Forces

Are you interested in serving as a volunteer leader for ISVMA?
Committee/task force job descriptions are can be accessed by clicking on the committee/task force names on this page below.

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the ISVMA Volunteer Interest Form.
ISVMA committees are a wonderful way to get involved in your association leadership! Most committee appointments are annual and expire on December 31.
A few committee positions are determined by the ISVMA Constitution and have defined terms.

Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association within the Springfield Region
  • Committee appointments are made by the ISVMA President unless the ISVMA Constitution has specific direction on committee composition. Committees below are active. Committees and working groups do change over time as the groups complete work or additional projects are directed by the ISVMA Board of Directors.  All committees/working groups unless otherwise noted meet via video conference.  Most committees meet monthly at 7 pm or 8 pm unless otherwise noted.  Please sign up for what committee interests you the most.  Your contact information is needed to validate your sign-up.
  • Committee Sign Up Link


    Legislative-To determine ISVMA positions on Legislation, administrative rules and other regulatory actions. One meeting per year in person, typically December or January.

    Legislative CVT–To discuss CVT license protection and scope of practice. Meets as needed

    CVT Committee– Create education, networking and value opportunities for CVTs.

    DEI Working Group-Create sustainable programs that promote DEI within the veterinary profession.

    Education-Plan ISVMA Convention and approve CE sessions, as requested, work on regional education. Meets as needed

    Membership– Evaluate and promote ISVMA member benefits. Engage new DVM & CVT grads.

    Member Relations– Research and recommend ways to maximize veterinary workforce.

    Student Engagement-Address how to improve understanding, involvement, and cooperation between students at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and the ISVMA.


    ISVMA Standing Committees
    –Audit: ISVMA Treasurer and two other members appoint by the Board of Directors President– Meets in May each year
    –Executive Committee: ISVMA Officers — Meets monthly
    –Nominations & Awards:  Specific member composition per ISVMA Constitution –Meets one or two times during the summer months