by | Apr 3, 2017 | Your Blog
In today’s politically charged environment, everyone seems to have an opinion that must be voiced. Free speech is one of the basic tenets of our society, and more and more people feel compelled to promote their agendas. We, as veterinary professionals, seem more...
by | Feb 4, 2017 | Your Blog
I had an interesting discussion with a colleague a few weeks ago, which I viewed with both concern and a little sadness. We were discussion our children, and their professional aspirations. He expressed relief that his kids had no interest in veterinary medicine as a...
by | Jan 28, 2017 | Your Blog
I would imagine that everyone reading this blog has had to deal with this situation in the past—saying that final good-bye to our own pets. And if any of you veterinary professionals are like me, you probably question the timing of your decision even more than you...
by | Nov 26, 2016 | Your Blog
I recently participated in a training session for animal humane care investigators. It was eye-opening, and many interesting topics of conversation surfaced over the course of the day. One theme brought up by more than one person was the frustration involved with...
by | Oct 31, 2016 | Your Blog
My first job as a licensed veterinarian was at a mixed practice in rural southern Illinois. The closest neighboring practice was 25 miles away, and it was a good 90-minute drive to the nearest referral facility. So, we saw more than our share of interesting cases—a...