Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association | 1121 Chatham Road Springfield, IL 62704

You are a valued member of the veterinary profession so if you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or other distress, please utilize one of the links below to obtain assistance.

Illinois Professionals Health Program

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

American Psychological Association Therapist Locator

Association for Death Education and Counseling: Find a Specialist

National Institute of Mental Health Suicide Awareness and Prevention

National Organization of People of Color Against Suicide

Suicide Prevention Lifeline Safety Plan

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Other Wellness Resources

University of Tennessee Veterinary Social Work Program–Available to all veterinarians, whether they went to school there or not.  You can also call 865-755-8839 Monday through Friday 10am-5pm.  Or, email: