Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association | 1121 Chatham Road Springfield, IL 62704

ISVMA Member Benefit:
Member Assistance Program/Employee Assistance Program

We all occasionally experience problems and finding someone who is qualified and trained to help with any variety of issues can be challenging.
Your ISVMA is partnering with CorpCare for Member Assistance Program (MAP) and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services to ISVMA members and their employees.
CorpCare is an organization experienced in providing specialized emotional assistance for veterinary professionals working in demanding and, at times, critical environments.

For You: MAP

A MAP provides counseling resources that quickly and professionally help you in handling problems affecting your personal and work life.
CorpCare’s MAP Personal Advantage helps with the following concerns:
  • Burnout Marital concerns
  • Work difficulties Emotional upsets
  • Parenting/Family problems Stress/Anxiety
  • Depression Financial/Legal referral
  • Alcohol/Drug Misuse Childcare referral
  • Eldercare referral Other personal concerns
  • Compassion fatigue
With a MAP, ISVMA members have access to three (3) professional and confidential counseling sessions (per member, per year). Any sessions beyond the three prepaid are the responsibility of the member.





For Your Clinic: EAP

As an employer, offering an Employee Assistance Program provides a caring solution that focuses on sensitive issues an employee working in your clinic may be facing.
With an EAP offered through CorpCare, your team has access to help with personal concerns and family-related issues that can affect performance and staff attrition. Stress, compassion fatigue and mental health concerns often go untreated and are the leading cause of employee underperformance, absenteeism and job abandonment or termination.
With an EAP, participating clinics have a choice of offering three (3) or five (5) session plans, with any beyond the prepaid three or five sessions being the responsibility of the employee. Both plans cover three or five sessions for each employee, per year, respectively.




How to Enroll, Answers to Questions

Take advantage of this great offer and give yourself and your team the support, go to:


               Username: corpcareisvma

              Password: isvma1

For more information or answers to your questions, please click on the link below to go to the ISVMA website or call CorpCare at 1.877-843-6036.
Once enrolled, to talk with an online counselor, call 877-318-1717.