Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association | 1121 Chatham Road Springfield, IL 62704

“Why Should I Hire a CVT?”

“Why Should I Hire a CVT?”   This question is heard far too often from veterinary owners and practice managers throughout Illinois, and around the United States. I’ll bet that you’ve heard some of these phrases: “I’d have to pay a tech more that an unlicensed...

Euthanasia with Dignity and Compassion

Recently a young woman, “Julie”, walked into our practice with her 18 year old cat. This was “Tiger’s” first visit to our practice. The owner reported that Tiger had been diagnosed with a kidney problem when he was young, but had recovered uneventfully. Currently, she...

Vacations Are Good for the Soul (and the Job)!

Work-life balance has been a hot topic in veterinary medicine for several years. We seem to be part of a profession that attracts workaholics. While I admit to having a type “A” personality, I am amazed by the number of associates who finish each work year with unused...
Why I Love Veterinary Medicine

Why I Love Veterinary Medicine

When people first learn that I am a veterinarian, the first words out of their mouths are usually “you must really love animals!”  Well, that’s certainly true-I wouldn’t have chosen veterinary medicine as a career without feeling a special bond with...
A New Grad

A New Grad

Going through veterinary school, I (along many of my colleagues and classmates) had a very idealistic view of what our future career would have in store.  We would balance home life and work equally, emergencies would be full of quick fixes and happy endings and you...